
Tuesday 17 August 2010

Some days......


I  had to share this amazing video. Even if you have never been separated from a loved one for an extended period of time you will be moved by it.

Love you hun.
Will see you soon.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Grandson # 2

Introducing our second grandson. He arrived yesterday on the Holiday Monday, weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Calgary Economic Development Mayoralty Forum

This is a cross post from my campaign blog. Please go to answer the poll question.

Today we have prime example of a branch of the City of Calgary failing to meet expectations of openness and transparency. Calgary Economic Development (CED) will be hosting an all candidates Mayoralty forum. Sounds good .... until you discover it is completely private. Behind closed doors, not even media is allowed in. You can see Dave Dormer's piece on this in today's Calgary Sun.
I believe CED has been a worthwhile endeavour by the City. In fact I listed it as "City Council’s most important contribution to Calgary’s economic well being over the last three years"; when I answered the Vote Calgary survey.  However, I feel this step of holding a closed-door meeting will be a dark mark on their record.
I'd like to get a sense of what others think and have created a poll (on the right). This obviously is completely unscientific and for interest sake alone.