
Tuesday 23 February 2010

Happy Birthday to my blog

Okay, it was actually yesterday that this blog turned 2, but I had other things on my mind. LOL

Though it has gone through some dry spells, overall it has been a great experience. It has allowed me to vent, share, instigate, laugh, interact and even make new friends; some cyber and some in real life.

My list (in the right panel >>>>>>) of blogs I enjoy has grown from the original five. Recent additions include: Alex Abboud, Chris LaBossiere, Alain Saffel, DJ Kelly and just today the Best Political Team.

It's been a blast. Thanks to all my readers, lurkers and commenters...even the Anon ones.


  1. Congratulations! Two Years is hard to get to!


  2. Jane: Happy Blogger-versary! :)

    You certainly add a much-valued voice to the discussion - I always look forward to your posts, and am glad you've been firing off a lot more of them lately.

    Here's to many more!

    p.s. If you end up as my Chief of Staff, I'll let you keep the blog. I'm just saying... ;)

  3. Thank you.

    And thet is just GREAT. You always amaze me with how "in tune" you are even over this "virtual" space we call the web.
