
Wednesday 5 May 2010

Since you asked.....

This is for yesterday's commenters who didn't know what FML was.

Check this out.


  1. Thanks Jane. As my grandchildren are ages 13 and younger I would not have been impressed if they could tell me the answer, I am not saying they wouldn't know, I just would not have wanted to hear it from them.

    I like to learn something new every day and this will be the new thing for today.

    By the way, thanks for the laugh.

  2. Hi Jane, on his Twitter site, Dr. Swann has explained the situation as per the following. I just wanted to let you know:

    Whoops! My assistant is using my old phone & accidentally sent out a tweet under my name. He is stuck in the snow - not me! Apologies!

    By the way, I still think he is kind of hip.
