
Monday, 20 July 2009

Another new party ?

Put this in the "you heard it here first" column.

Randy Thorsteinson has publicly stated;

......the people who are calling me are the people who actually did register and build the Alberta Alliance. This group of people has done it before and can have it done by fall if they choose to do it. Regardless of the media attention the Wildrose Alliance is getting lately there is a growing groundswell of support for a new fiscally and socially conservative party. It may well happen, there may be a new player in Alberta politics.

Make of it what you will.


  1. I have great respect for Randy Thorsteinson, but we need to build the Wildrose Alliance.

    We can't afford to splinter now.

  2. Another party? There's almost enough parties now on the right to help the Liberals win!

    Not good!

  3. The media and other parties have always painted the party as too far right. With the other right wing parties would this not prove us centre right? The past has shown the general public will not support a party leaning too far right and the direction the WRAP is taking seems to be gaining steam. Randy has done his share for the party, and it is sad to see him move on. But we still have many of the same with Paul, Jane, Cory and Travis, just to name a few. Their dedication is the type that will lead the party forward, no matter who would like to jump in the way. Thanks Jane for all you do.

  4. Thank you for your kind words and the mention of some hard workers.

    There are many more who are just as dedicated and would take numerous pages to name them all.

    We are indeed gaining steam, it is because we now appeal to a broader scope of Albertans. We have been listening, responding and that is being reflected in our growth.
